Day 7 of 40. Explaining the explanations

Well I had a rather long day of rearranging my house. And it's still isn't complete, though I was able to get enough furniture in place for internet to be up and computer now. Needless to say I did not get as much spiritually done as I wish. Luckily God is forgiving, and even is having the energy to get more done then I've in a long way is a victory for me.

That being said, This won't be the most elaborate post, but one that may explain more about my ramblings for the coming month. I realize I often talk a lot and dwell on saying the same thing, many times. I find myself explaining why I said what I said. And then explaining what I meant in my explanations. Really it annoys me I do it, and sometimes I find myself stopping, mid sentence when I realize just how rambling I am being.

I don't know exactly which part of me causes such a thing. Or perhaps it's a little bit of it all. Who knows. Sometimes I just need people to tell me they understand. Stop me, mid ramble. And do it without an off putting tone. I don't get to talk to people much. And when I do, I can monopolize. Something to work on as I go forward I guess. Get comfortable enough when I am talking to people, to not always have to be talking! As I reach out, open up and share with others, I suppose I will have more opportunities to practice.

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